Mon 27 Jan
2 hot BLoNde HoTTie"s ReAdY To PaRtY AnD PLay••★••☆• •★•★••☆•••★••☆• •★••☆•••★••☆••• - 23 - 22
(Syracuse, Cuse)
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TS. Blondie Johnson is In syracuse 100% me Website Proff - 25
(Syracuse, Cuse)
ts kimberly new intown pretty white ts visting this week only! - 25
(Syracuse, downtown area safe location.)
Lovely 💋 Freaky 💋 Fun...Thick & Sexy... TS Taisa 💋💯% Real Pics with Holiday Specials!!! - 26
(Syracuse, Down Town)
T_H__E__ :: __U__L__T __I__M__A__T __E__::_ (((__ EROTIC __)))_:: __E__X__P __E__R__I__E __N__C_ - 22
(Syracuse, Carrier Circle(Hotel)